By Admin
August 13, 2020
Role & Significance of Using Fiber Optic Couplers and Adapters
Fiber optic coupler is a device primarily used in optical fiber systems and are a critical elements in fiber optic links. It is also used with one or more input fibers. When light enters into fiber optic coupler, it may appear in one or more outputs. It connects single or multiple fiber modes to enable broadcasting light waves in manifold paths. Its power distribution capacity is relied upon polarization and the wavelength.
Fiber optic couplers are generally used for connecting same type of connectors such as SC to SC, ST to ST and LC to LC. Hybrid adapters are able to connect different type of connectors such as SC to ST, SC to LC and so on. These devices play a crucial role in the connection performance. Some of the benefits of using fiber optic couplers and adapters are as follows:
These optic couples are primarily divided in two categories: active optic devices and passive optic devices. Active fiber optic couplers and adapters work with a help of an external power source. Passive fiber optic couples do not require any external power source. There are many different types of fiber optic couples such as instance X couplers, PM Fiber Couplers, combiners, stars, splitters and trees etc. Fiber optic cable manufacturers offer a wide range of fiber optic couplers suitable for varied applications such as community antenna networks, optical communication systems and fiber-to-home technology etc.