Our corporate responsibility approach is based on and supporting our mission, vision and strategy, and our commitments. Sinocomms’ Code of Conduct guides our everyday activities by clearly describing our internal standards and ethical values as well as our legal obligations. Our business activities are subject to government regulations in the countries where we operate. Our principles and commitments also play a key role in risk management. Having a set of rules and values in place enables us to better mitigate negative impacts. Group-wide guidelines for reporting, appropriate approval procedures and internal controls help to ensure the implementation of good practices.
Our management approach and commitments:
Our commitments towards responsibility are outlined in our Code of Conduct and in our Environmental policies.
We are committed to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten principles.
We have also implemented a separate Anti-Corruption Policy, and have compliance protocols and guidelines in place to detect any risks regarding bribery and corruption.
We have implemented a Know-Your-Counterparty process which identifies the risks of doing business with third parties by studying their ownership, activity and role. It includes anti-bribery, sanctions and other due diligence checks, according to the level of risk identified.
We have a reporting process for misconduct which can be used to report suspicions of serious misconduct related to financial or banking crimes.